Holistic Midwife Practitioner IPHM

in Loganville GA

Community Midwife

Nullam rutrum mi dis lobortis lacinia, atque ab perferendis. Quisquam, hymenaeos laboriosam aliquid vestibu.

Call: (470) 318-2968

Non mauris reiciendis velit voluptatibus neque, nascetur iaculis culpa! Qui repellat no urna illo perferendis consectetu. Qui repellat no urna illo!

Sarah Butler

Panic Attacks

Lorem elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Bipolar Disorder

Lorem elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Family Education

Lorem elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Recreational Therapy

Lorem elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Are You Looking for a Midwife?

Colloidal Silver

Antiviral and antibiotic great for many things. For goats this will help elliminate pink eye, sore mouth, CL and abscesses. Boost your goats natural immune system. Why spend lots on repeat treatments when you can have it taken care of with a few drops of colloidal silver.

For humans, excellent for human ailments.

16 ppm small batch colloidal silver. Smaller particles for best absorption. High potency and tested.”

"It Was the Best Experience for Me!"

Duis nihil, diam ligula tenetur aspernatur laoreet molestie sagittis! Totam, reprehenderit interdum eiusmod consectetuer accusamus vivamus voluptate laknbshjjoahn.
John Little

Our Services

45 minutes of relaxing Hot Stone Massage tailored for the postpartum mother. Includes aromatherapy 
45 minute massage to help the pregnant mother unwind and rid herself of tension. 
The use of several different techniques in order to get your sweet baby into a head down position

3 Home visits per week

  • Weekly meal prep (price includes the cost of food)
  • -Personalized meal plan to fit your nutritional needs

Monthly comprehensive prenatal care:

  • Vitals
  • Hemoglobin
  • Fetal heart monitoring
  • Fundal check
  • Assessment of pregnancy

Hendrerit massa morbi netus mollitia commodi, magni veritatis donec, senectus turpis ratione Bibendum.

Lectus cupidatat aptent occaecati nibh, distinctio lobortis eligendi, proident duis, quibusdam lacus aptent, odio autem voluptas congue excepturi, tellus! Platea lobortis asperiores dis reprehenderit, lacinia primis nascetur. Enim in. Mi porttitor maiores! Per hendrerit blandit mollit, pretium lorem, occaecat euismod! Fringilla tortor necessitatibus aliquam fames varius tempora velit.